Friday, January 29, 2010

RAM JAM! DeSean Wants Cash, Pervy Madrigals, Iverson vs. Kobe. And a song.

Because I get up six hours before you do, so I survey the interweb and hit you with a RAM JAM of need-to-know info. Let's get started:

- DeSean Jackson says "SHOW ME THE MONEY!" League sources have informed CSN’s Derrick Gunn that Jackson’s agent Drew Rosenhaus plans to approach the Eagles in hopes of negotiating a four- or five-year extension for his client. The guys at The 700 Level do a nice job of breaking down the situation. Hopefully it all works out.

- Jackson, McNabb and their fellow NFC all-stars are set to play the Pro Bowl this Sunday. Here's the thing: Nobody cares. Deadspin does a great job of explaining why exactly the Pro Bowl is the "least relevant event on the sporting calendar."

- Jose Contreras says he's happy to do whatever it takes to help the Phillies get their 3rd world series in as many years. Ruben Amaro paraphrased nicely, "I think his quote was, 'I'd be willing to pick up bats if you need me to.'" Love it.

- Iverson or Kobe? That was the decision the 76ers had to make in 1996. John Smallwood of The Daily News takes a look at the decision and what could have been.

- Who are the TOP 5 Quarterbacks of ALL TIME? TE George Wrighster weighs in at Yardbarker. Good starting point for discusison, but not sure I agree with the rankings. That'll be a whole other post.

- The Broncos will trade Brandon Marshall, says the Denver Post. Question is, where will he go?

WHACKY FOREIGNER OF THE DAY: This English madrigal expert seems to get too much pleasure out of saying "double entendre" in the correct French pronunciation. Charming little song, but pervy when you think about what the turd in sweater vest said.

SONG LYRIC TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT: "We were a strok of luck. We were a gold mine. They gutted us."


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